Pope Francis concluded Wednesday’s general audience with yet another appeal for peace in Ukraine, and called on believers and non-believers worldwide to pray and fast for peace on Ash Wednesday, March 2.
Pope Francis concluded Wednesday’s general audience with yet another appeal for peace in Ukraine, and called on believers and non-believers worldwide to pray and fast for peace on Ash Wednesday, March 2.
Katoliku Kirik Eestis
Tallinna Piiskopkond
Vene 18
10123 Tallinn
Kantselei tel 6446367
Eesti Apostellik Administratuur
Pärnu Püha Apostel Johannese kogudus
Tartu Neitsi Maarja Pärispatuta saamise kogudus
Ukraina Kreeka-Katoliku Kirik Eestis
Pirita klooster
Püha Siena Katariina Klooster Tallinnas
Preestriseminar Redemptoris Mater
Opus Dei Eestis
Caritas Eesti
Tartu Katoliku Hariduskeskus